
You are way cool!

Thank you for completing the copywriting client questionnaire quote request!

We’ll review all of your information and get back to you with any additional questions within 24 hours.

Depending on the deadline, complexity of the information or uploaded documents, we generally try to have a proposal or formal quote completed within 3-4 days (if not sooner!).

Once the quote is ready, we’ll notify you by email, and/or call you directly.

At that time, we schedule a short, 30-minute call to go over the information and answer any additional questions you might have.

In the meantime, if it’s a rush project or you just want to talk, you can call me at 877.597.7395, or shoot us an email at

Orange Chameleon
eBook cover image

While You're Here

I believe in paying it forward, so I’d like to give you a gift in return — my new eBook, ‘A Guide to Creating an Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Personas.’

It also includes bonus buyer persona worksheets to help you get started with better B2B lead generation.

~Myrna B.