
Don’t short-change your business with poor writing. Create a corporate voice that enhances your brand and grows the trust and authority you need to boost your products, services and offers.

B2B Industrial

Is your copy full of business jargon even you don’t understand? Your customers deserve better. Make your marketing a priority with smart content that attracts customers and grows market share.

Lead Generation

Turn your product or service info into a powerful sales tool that improves the bottom-line. We write clear, persuasive copy and develop content marketing  that speaks directly to the needs of your audience.


Planning should be the blueprint for successful marketing efforts. Tap into our experience. We’ll  streamline and organize any phase of the strategic planning process so you don’t have to.

Smart Copywriting. Smarter Business.

Stop writing boring B2B sales and marketing copy

Why is so much B2B copywriting and content marketing bland or confusing? If you’re like most businesses, you struggle to find copywriters who understand your business and can articulate your message through compelling copy. That’s where we excel.

If you don’t have the time or people to write powerful sales and marketing copy, we deliver quality copywriting on time, on budget, every time.

To get people to pay attention to your message, it needs to provide value. The best copy doesn’t just talk about your products or services. It tells a story that speaks to the benefits or promise of working with your brand. Our copywriting works hard to answer questions and solve real business problems.

Does your copy or content marketing tell your business’ story consistently and persuasively so that your ideal buyer takes action?

People don’t hire a copywriter. They hire people who make them money. We write copy for real people  your customers  copywriting that converts sales and grows business without resorting to industry jargon, business-speak or generic messaging.

Need a quote right now?

Know exactly what you need? Have a rush project?

I can help! 



B2B Copywriting & Content Marketing

Your Business Deserves Great Copy

Copy that makes your customers think, feel and do

Good copywriting provides information, clarity and purpose.

But great copywriting tells a story that stirs emotions and sparks the mind. It builds trust, establishes authority and drives the reader to do something.

We strive to deliver great copy by digging into your everyday business  your marketing, sales, and processes. We work hard to become an extension of your company, producing copy people want to read.

Make every word count. Our audience-centered focus means we’re always thinking for you. And we’ve worked in just about every industry, so no surprises.

Reach buyers who are unaware of who you are, what you do and don’t yet know why you’re better than the competition.

Engage and educate your best prospects with high-quality, informative and interesting content that answers questions and solves problems.

Drive readers to action – whether that’s moving them from one stage of the purchase process to another, or converting leads into sales.

Featured B2B Copywriting & Content Marketing Services

Your success is our success, which is why we work with companies for whom we know we can make a big difference.

Typically, we work on a per-project or ongoing retainer basis — because some clients may have a one-time need, while others work with us as an integral extension of their marketing or communication efforts. We also offer package (or bundled pricing), as well as customized packages depending on your specific project or campaign goals.

Since each business or team has its own unique needs, we try to accomodate your process and business requirements. Before we submit a copywriting quote or formal proposal, we ask a few simple questions about your products and services, customer niche, goals and overall budget to help us create a specific solution that solves your biggest copywriting or content marketing challenge.

Industrial B2B Copywriting & Content Marketing
Would you like to reach more people, boost engagement, show thought leadership and generate more leads? With over 1 billion websites and countless other digital communications, you need a more effective way (other than paid advertising) to build awareness for your products and services.

Creating original content that you own and publish is a great long-tailed method to drive authentic and organic engagement for your brand. Gain trust and authority that transfers to your products and services, improving the likelihood that customers choose your business over the competitors’.

Hey! What’s in it for me?

    • Entice customers to your product/service offerings
    • Simplify and explain complex topics & processes
    • Generate high value leads & conversions
    • Build authority, credibility & trust
    • Encourage advocates to share via social media & email
    • Foster better internal team collaboration
B2B Lead Generation & Nurturing
Creating relevant and compelling content for your target buyers is the first step. But what are you doing after they find you? Traditional marketing doesn’t work the way it used to because customers have stopped paying attention and want control. Telling stories and education works because buyers actively seek the information you provide.

It’s not who you know. It’s who ‘they’ know.

    • Get found by your most profitable audience
    • Create valueable, premium content
    • Increase traffic and improve SEO
    • Target the right audience at the right time in the buying cycle
    • Engage and direct customer conversions
    • Websites, blogs, articles, landing pages & email campaigns for awareness, conversion, customer service and upsell/cross-sell
    • Case studies, sell sheets & brochures to communicate the value of your products/services and shorten your sales cycle
    • Content marketing materials like whitepapers, newsletters, blog posts/articles that educate your audience
    • Direct mail copy that supports the entire lead generation eco-system
Websites & Blogs
Ever go to a website, take one look at the headline and leave?

Web visitors come to your site looking for product and service information. For the first time in history, the human attention span is less than that of a goldfish. 

If you don’t give it them what they came for  quickly, clearly and easily  why should they stay and trust that your products or services can help? Your website represents your company’s story, personality, expertise and integrity. Be sure your copy does too. 

Because you have less than 3 seconds to get attention.

    • Competitive research & target audience definition
    • Expertise in technical, user experience, content & design strategy
    • Website & blog copy, landing pages & email campaigns
    • Messaging for specific industries & audiences
    • Drive business with effective product/service descriptions
    • SEO keyword research & optimization
    • Sales-specific situations
Social Media
Think social media and blogs are just for B2C brands? Think again. 93% of B2B marketers use social media, making it the most commmon B2B marketing tactic (Content Marketing Institute, 2016).  And even though LinkedIn and Twitter rank ahead of Facebook as the B2B social media platform of choice, 73% of people say they use Facebook for professional purposes (HubSpot, 2016).

B2B social media doesn’t need to be repetitive or isolated from the rest of your sales and marketing efforts. It can be a profitable way to generate traffic, build relationships, or provide better customer service and satisfaction.

Turn fans into customers.

    • Share complex ideas clearly and concisely to get your brand noticed and remembered
    • Generate leads with copy that gets people to try, buy or sign-up for your offers
    • Improve SEO and deliver engaged website traffic through shareable content
    • Amplify your content via multiple social media channels and accounts
    • Create a stronger emotional connection and relationship between your brand and customer base
    • Improve loyalty and customer service by engaging customers at key points in the buying cycle
B2B Video Script Writing
If you’ve been following trends, you know that online videos and live video streaming are quickly changing digital marketing landscape. Video is now used as a vital part of almost any successful content strategy to generate leads, create influence and get ahead of your competition.

But if you’re just getting started with B2B video production, it’s easy to get it wrong. Writing video scripts for business purposes is not the same as writing a website, case study or print piece. You could waste a lot of time and money. We write skilled video copy because we understand both your business and the complete video creation process.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth?

    • Experienced pre-production and production planning services including: briefs, concept creation/documentation, budgets/timelines/sourcing (talent, videographer, editors, props, music, etc.)
    • Recommendations on script length (typically 30 seconds to 5 minutes), visual design, calls-to-action, distribution channels
    • Interviews with C-level and subject matter experts
    • Animated/motion graphic videos
    • Branded corporate videos
    • Product marketing videos
    • Testimonial videos
    • Educational videos
    • Employee & human resources videos
Myrna Begnel B2B Sales & Marketing CopywriterMyrna Begnel B2B Copywriting & Content Marketing

What Can We Do For You?

    • Websites (Design & Re-design)
    • Email
    • Landing Pages
    • Newsletters
    • Social Media & Blog Articles
    • SEO/Optimization
    • Sell Sheets & Brochures
    • Video Scripts
    • eBooks
    • Case Studies
    • Whitepapers
    • Interactive Presentations
    • Print Collateral
    • Interviews & Bios
    • Ghostwriting

Let’s start a project together!

Tell us more about your copywriting or marketing strategy needs.

What's your project about? Submit a project questionnaire.

Schedule a free, 45-minute Discovery call!

Don’t Overlook These Top B2B Lead Generation Tactics

If you’re a B2B business and still relying on word-of-mouth, referrals, cold calling and an outdated website, it may be time to re-evaluate your strategy and copy. Whether they’re shopping for themselves or their businesses, people use search engines and social channels to learn about products and services before purchase. Don’t be left behind. Lead generation and sales is the lifeblood of your business. 

Research shows that 67% of a typical B2B buyer’s journey is done digitally (SiriusDecisions) — which doesn’t mean that a buyer doesn’t want to talk to a sales rep at any point of the process. What it means is that you need to create content and information that will give you a competitive edge and support your sales team as early in the buying process (and throughout the process) as possible. 

Developing a strategy to improve and convert leads is critical to long-term success.


Easy, effective, low-cost and targeted. Email isn’t going away.

Blog Articles

Blog with intent. Stay relevant & answer  buyer’s questions.

Print Collateral

Sell sheets, brochures & postcards still work for in-person support.


Boost conversions and sales. Launch products. Versatility & ROI.

Landing Pages

Convert more of your hard-earned leads with great copy & design.


Find clients using the social network focused on business.

Trade Events

Integrate digital tactics with the power of a  handshake.


Reach decision-makers across all phases of the buying cycle. 24/7.

Is your website working hard enough?
Our 10-point custom audit and performance report looks at many of the key factors that influence the effectiveness of your current website and future lead generation or content marketing efforts.


    • Copy & Content
    • SEO Optimization
    • Design & User Experience
    • Speed & Performance
    • Website Visitors
    • Competitors 
    • Mobile Responsiveness
Request your review today!